Coronavirus Misinformation

Social Media influencing Misinformation

Ever since the start of the Coronavirus social media has been spreading a diease of their own, misinforamtion. Many ludacris ideas on how to cure
the coronavirus has come up from social media. For example, one video went viral claiming that you could treat the virus by breathing in the hot
air from a hair dryer. Another claimed if you vaped organic oregano oil you it could help against the virus. Furthermore, a removed Twitter post
mentioned that injecting Vitamin C into your bloodstream would help. These false claims are constantly spread around because many people actually
actually believe everything on social media.


Misinforamtion on Covid-19 is spurring up many rumors that the virus was even intentional. Some people are stating that the virus was a bio-weapon
created by China. Many people believe that the virus was planned and this is all due to misinformation from social media. While misinformation has
spread quite a bit companies like Google and Youtube have posted official information on the virus when you search for covid-19. This has caused a
lot of misinformation to die down however people still have beliefs in some of the false information.


Social Media is very unreliable because most of the time the information is not accurate. There are several certified websites that have accurate
information on the Coronavirus like the World Health Orginization and California Department of Public Health. Evidence suggest people post about
Covid-19 due to the attention that recieve from it. Many people who do share information usually aren't fully informed and post in a panic. It is
truly unfortunate so many people are posting misinforamtion of covid-19 just for some retweets.
